Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Great Chandelier Hunt of 2011

First, I must say that I hate, absolutely abhore our current chandelier. It is brass - need I say more? I refuse to clean it or fix it or replace any of the light bulbs in it. Eventually, this ugly monstrosity will provide no light at all and I will be able to purchase a replacement chandelier.

Second, I really must tell you that I am NOT the picky one!! I have found several chandeliers in stores and on-line that I am most willing to "wrap up" and take home!! But my sweet, loving husbanno says NO! He doesn't think it is wide enough; it's not tall enough; it doesn't match the other light fixtures close enough; and on and on.

I have found some wicked sales on chandeliers that were regularly close to $2000, now on sale for $450! Let's wrap it up and take it home!! But NO. It is getting frustrating to say the very least!!

Recently we found this one and we all agreed that it would be perfect! Even my hot husbanno.

Found here:

That is until we saw it in person at a local lighting store. Oh no, now it wasn't big enough, the iron wasn't thick enough and he didn't like it anymore. I honestly thought I may strangle him right in the store.

I love this chandelier:

Found here:

However, this particular chandelier doesn't come in the black wrought iron finish that we have for the rest of the main floor. My thoughts are (a) who cares; it's going to be way up high and close enough to what we have, and (b) it's cheap enough so may we can paint it. Hot husbanno says that it isn't close enough; he doesn't care if it is up high; and it's going to very hard to paint.

So the Great Chandelier Hunt of 2011 continues...

Wish me luck!! I am going to need it!!

Blessings my friends,